
Disclaimer: This blog is for a fake company. It is being used for a social media marketing course.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Keep It Classy Merica'!

         Merica' is a beautiful place don't you think? Let's work on keeping it beautiful. As the Crow Flies would like to have a trash clean up/recycle day. On April 11th for every garbage bag filled with trash you've cleaned up outside and dropped off at our office (790 Lake street, Altoona) we will be donating $5 to a nature restoration facility. We also want you to bring us cans and bottles, for every can or bottle you bring to our office we will donate 50 cents to the same organization.

As travelers our passion in life is to take the beautiful earth in. We want to keep our amazing earth beautiful and healthy. On April 12th we are welcoming everyone to come to our office location set on six acres of land, so we can plant 8 different kinds of trees together! This is a great chance for us to give back to our earth....Join us! 

                             Project Keep America Beautiful

This week As The Crow Flies Travel Critic would like to share something exciting with you! We have launched our very first commercial! Watch it below. 

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